Punch Out !!! Mean, Median, Mode, & Range Learn about mean, median, mode, and range while playing a modified version of a classic Nintendo video game. The following Desmos...
Building Fluency Through Games (K-5)Parents can locate and print off math games appropriate for children from kindergarten through 5th grade HERE. The Public Schools of...
Tower Challenge! Here's an activity to practice math skills while competing against family members and friends. No technology is required, and the...
Welcome Families!Welcome to our K-12 Math Activities for Families site. This site was designed for parents and children from all schools across Delta and...
Desmos MarbleslidesDesmos is a free online resource that allows students to investigate math. The following Marbleslides activity works best on a tablet or...
Khan Academy Kids AppKhan Academy has an award-winning, free app for children from ages two through seven. It contains a variety of math activities, books...
SolveMe MobilesSolveMe Mobiles are fun and challenging puzzles appropriate for middle and high school students. Elementary students can also...
The Four 4'sActivity Source YouCubed.org Technology Requirement No Internet Access Required Appropriate Grade Levels Grades 3 - 12 Parents can modify...