SolveMe Mobiles are fun and challenging puzzles appropriate for middle and high school students. Elementary students can also participate with these puzzles as the first few examples are basic in nature.

SolveMe Mobiles do require internet access, and the puzzles work much better on a computer or tablet than a phone. By creating a free account, children can save their progress on the series of puzzles. Accounts are not required to play with the puzzles, however.
Here is the website to begin play. Start by selecting the play option (don't worry about creating an account just yet -- explore to learn more about the puzzles first).
Learn more about the puzzles by reading the guidelines provided at the SolveMe Mobiles site (select the purple ? icon ). Or better yet, investigate the puzzles yourself by clicking on an individual puzzle to begin play. You'll quickly see what the goal is and what is expected to solve the puzzles. They may seem easy at first, but they quickly become more challenging (and addicting!). Create a free account in order to save your progress.