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Skyscraper Puzzles

Skyscraper puzzles are fun and challenging puzzles that are appropriate for elementary, middle, and high school students. Older elementary students can solve the puzzles with the help of manipulatives such as legos, checkers, blocks, or similar items from around the home. These puzzles develop children's spatial visualization and reasoning skills and can be completed with or without the use of technology.

Here's a 4x4 skyscraper puzzle. Right now imagine that you have a bird's-eye view looking down on a group of skyscrapers. Since this is a 4x4 puzzle, the skyscrapers in this puzzle are either 1, 2, 3, or 4 levels high. The numbers on the sides of the puzzle indicate how many different skyscrapers are visible from that vantage point on the ground at street level. Every row and column must have a skyscraper of each height.

Here's a start to the solution. Look at the first row. The 1 on the left side indicates that only 1 skyscraper is visible from the street as you look down that row -- this must be the skyscraper with 4 floors because it would block the view of the remaining skyscrapers. The 4 on the opposite side on the top row indicates that all 4 skyscrapers can be viewed from that vantage point. The skyscrapers must go in order from shortest to tallest to see each building from that view. That's a can you finish this skyscraper puzzle?

Skyscraper Resources:


Site Administrator: Mike Maki, Math Consultant at Delta-Schoolcraft ISD
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