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Race for 20 - A Counting Game for Everyone

Race for 20 is a 2-person game that is appropriate for everyone. The only requirement is to be able to count to 20. Don't be fooled! There's strategy involved in this game that's easy to learn but challenging to master!

Here are the rules:

  • Decide who goes first and then take turns.

  • On your turn, count 1 or 2 numbers. So the first player would say either "1" or "1, 2".

  • The 2nd player continues the count by saying the next 1 or 2 numbers. So If the first player counted "1, 2", the second player could either say "3" or "3,4".

  • Play continues back and forth. The winner is the player that says 20 on his/her count.

Possible modifications to this game:

  • There are many modifications that parents can make to this game to make it easier or more difficult. Read about these modifications and more about the game HERE.


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